منتدى مدرسة كفر مسعود الإعدادية

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منتدى مدرسة كفر مسعود الإعدادية

منتدى مدرسة كفر مسعود الإعدادية

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى مدرسة كفر مسعود الإعدادية
عام دراسى جديد مع تمنياتنا بالنجاح والتوفيق للجميع

المواضيع الأخيرة

» امتحان علوم 3 اعدداى على الدرس الاول الحركة فى اتجاة واحد/3ع//تر م اول
الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Emptyالخميس سبتمبر 11, 2014 12:00 pm من طرف honeyeye2008

» صورة أغرب أسد بالعالم
الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Emptyالأربعاء مارس 07, 2012 11:34 pm من طرف Mr. Eslam Mohamed

» الخطاب
الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Emptyالأربعاء مارس 07, 2012 11:25 pm من طرف Mr. Eslam Mohamed

» غرق دلتا النيل
الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 10, 2011 11:50 pm من طرف محمد رأفت

» الخلفاء الراشدون فى سطور
الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 10, 2011 11:35 pm من طرف محمد رأفت

» تعديلات منهج العلوم 3 ع لعام 2012 وصور من الكتاب
الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Emptyالإثنين سبتمبر 05, 2011 4:00 pm من طرف الاستاذ محمد الطنطاوى

» دليل الاذكياء/علوم/3 اعدادى/ترم اول//2011/الوحدة الرابعة/ للاستاذ محمد الطنطاوى
الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Emptyالإثنين سبتمبر 05, 2011 3:55 pm من طرف الاستاذ محمد الطنطاوى

» دليل الاذكياء/علوم/3 اعدادى/ترم اول//2011/ للاستاذ محمد الطنطاوى
الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Emptyالإثنين سبتمبر 05, 2011 3:51 pm من طرف الاستاذ محمد الطنطاوى

» اعلان هام يعود الاستاذ صلاح ابوزينة للتدريس للمواد العلمية (العلوم - الفيزياء ) وكل عام وانتم بخير
الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Emptyالخميس سبتمبر 01, 2011 7:27 pm من طرف ا.صلاح ابوزينة

المتواجدون الآن ؟

ككل هناك 1 عُضو حالياً في هذا المنتدى :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 1 زائر

لا أحد

[ مُعاينة اللائحة بأكملها ]

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 33 بتاريخ الثلاثاء أكتوبر 12, 2021 7:28 am


أعضاؤنا قدموا 194 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 143 موضوع

هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 79 عُضو.

آخر عُضو مُسجل هو Haneen فمرحباً به.

مكتبة الصور

الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Empty

التبادل الاعلاني

    الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى

    مستر محمد سعد

    عدد المساهمات : 21
    نقاط : 64
    السٌّمعَة : 1
    تاريخ التسجيل : 25/03/2010

    الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى Empty الوحده الرابعه - جزء ثانى

    مُساهمة  مستر محمد سعد الأربعاء يونيو 16, 2010 6:17 pm

    hobby هواية project
    website موقع على الإنترنت effect
    chase يطارد fertile
    get better
    يتحسن fertilizers
    قصيدة scare
    مسطرة retire
    يمارس / يتدرب transport
    ينقل / مواصلات
    programme برنامج electric cooker
    موقد كهربائي
    صورة roof
    article مقال electronic
    ground أرض control
    يتحكم في
    The High Dam
    السد العالي environment
    fridge ثلاجة road
    مرور energy
    سباق equipment معدات
    run a website يدير موقع انترنت design يصمم
    get a weekend job water heater سخان ماء
    معقد paint a picture يرسم صورة (بالألوان)
    glorious مجيد / رائع pass an exam
    يجتاز امتحان
    يزيد have his hair cut
    يقص شعره

    on the website
    على موقع النت pay for يدفع ثمن important for
    هام لـ
    sorry about
    يأسف على
    work for
    يعمل لدى get .. from
    يحصل من
    congratulate on
    يهنئ على start with
    يبدأ بـ live in يعيش في

    Irregular Verbs
    give يعطي gave given
    think يفكر / يعتقد thought thought
    draw يرسم drew drawn
    grow يزرع grew

    تشرق shone

    يبني built

    1- however, = .However, = but لكن (تأتي بين الجملتين)
    • It is cold, but I am not wearing a coat .
    • It is cold, however I am not wearing a coat
    • It is cold. However , I am not weaning a coat .
    2- although + فاعل + فعل على الرغم من أن
    • Nora is walking in the street although it is raining heavily.
    3- despite + (ing / n) على الرغم من أن
    • Nora is walking in the street despite the heavy rain.
    • Nora is walking in the street despite raining heavily.
    4- On the other hand, + فاعل + فعل من الناحية الأخرى
    • Magda can't play football. On the other hand, she is good at tennis.
    5- In addition, + فاعل + فعل بالإضافة إلى ذلك
    • I play tennis in the club. In addition, I can go swimming.
    أدرس التالي
    1> He is strong although he is ill. (but)
    > He is ill but he is strong.
    2>I passed the exam and got high marks. (In addition)
    > I passed the exam. In addition, I got high marks.
    3> Although Amr is tired, he doesn't want to go to bed.
    > Despite being tired, Amr doesn't want to go to bed .
    A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
    1- You can find a lot of information ..................the internet.
    a- of b- on c- in d- inside
    2- My teacher ............me the chance to answer the questions
    a- started b- sent c- made d- gave
    3- The internet provides us with lots of........................
    a- websites b- nets c- ropes d- links
    4- It's a good thing that your English is getting.....................
    a- well b- good c- better d- higher
    5- .................land produces a lot of good crops.
    a- Rocky b- Fertile c- High d- Low
    6- When People grow old, they...... This means they stop work.
    a- retire b- think c- sleep d- relax
    7- Fertilizers are substances that.................
    a- increase money b- help crops grow
    c- scare birds d- produce energy
    8- The metro has helped ..................in Cairo.
    a- health b-faming c- transport d- energy
    9- Building new ...................help people travel easily.
    a- houses b- schools c- hospitals d- roads
    10- The problem of energy is complex. This means it is...........
    a- easy b- not simple c- simple d- cheap
    11- People like to live ...................a comfortable home.
    a- on b- for c- with d- in
    12- What have the pupils been talking ................................?
    a- to b- on c- about d- with
    13- This is an ..................hobby, not many people practise it.
    a- usual b- interesting c- nice d- unusual
    14- How long have you .......................running this website?
    a- been b- be c- being d- to be
    15- Mr. Kamal hasn't corrected our notebooks..........................
    a- already b- yet c- just d- never
    16-I saw a fox ......................some chickens.
    a- playing b-chasing c-talking d-listening!
    17-My sister is interested in ...................pictures.
    a-drawing b-seeing c-giving d-learning
    18-Most young people like to know .............sport and football.
    a- for b- from c- about d- on
    B) Read and match :
    A B
    1- I'm going to watch a. articles, stories and poems
    2- The internet gives you b. computers in the future.
    the chance c. very interesting .
    3- You can find on the d. my favourite programme.
    internet things like e. his favourite hobby .
    4- Every one of us should have f. to practise your English.
    5-I hope to work with

    A) Choose the correct answer from a , b . c or d :
    1- How long ...................English?
    a- has he been studying b- he is studying
    c- he was study d- he has been studying
    2- I've just ......................................a new job.
    a- find b- found c- finding d- finds
    3- The children ................all morning. They're still doing so.
    a- were swimming b- are swimming
    c- have swum d- have been swimming
    4- Noha ................................a book from the school library.
    a- has been borrowing b- has borrowed
    c- borrow d- borrowing
    5- ...................being tired, I did all the washing up last night.
    a- Although b- Because c- Also d- Despite
    6- We have a lot of modern equipment,...it makes much noise.
    a- however b- However c- despite d- although
    7- Amir ran fast .......................he was ill .
    a- but b- However c- although d- because
    8- Hind can't drive well. .................she has a driving licence .
    a- But b- On the other hand c- Also d- In addition
    9- The number of cars has been....so traffic in cities is still slow
    a- growing b- running c- walking d- flying
    10- The metro helps make the environment...................
    a- bad b- dirty c- cleaner d- worse
    11- I study English at school.....I like learning other languages.
    a- because b- on the other hand c- so d- however
    12- Rana could carry the bag ................being heavy .
    a- despite b- although c- but d- however
    13- In a hot country , we can get energy from the ..................
    a- moon b- stars c- sky d- sun
    14- Building a dam is expensive and .................a long time.
    a- makes b- takes c- gives d- spends
    15- The High Dam helps us to produce ...................energy.
    a- expensive b- cheaper c- hidden d- lost
    16- People who work in government departments..........at the age of 60.
    a- reclaim b- retire c- reclaim d- rebuild

    B- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
    1-When did you begin to practise running? (How long)
    2-Rasha started using the internet a year ago. (has been )
    3-Lisa hasn't finished cleaning the house yet. (has been )
    4-Amani washed her hair a short time ago. (Just)
    5- Nahla bought the dress although it was expensive. (but)
    6- The boy fell off his bike, however he wasn't hurt. (However)
    7- We got up early but we missed the bus. (Although)
    8- I studied my lessons and did my homework. (In addition)

    C- Write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on :
    "A visit to Port Said."
    Use the information provided:
    - When you went to Port Said. - Who went with you?
    - How you went there. - Where you stayed.
    - How long you stayed there.

    D- Read and correct the underlined words :
    1- When have you been waiting for them?
    2- I have just met this man before. It's the first time.
    3- Rana has not painting her flat yet.
    4- We've been catch fish for three hours.
    5- Building dams was expensive although we built the High Dam.
    6- We'll continue the work despite it has become so dark.
    7- Nader has be going to car companies to look for a car.
    8- Look at this car. I've yet bought it.

    Test 6 Unit 4
    1- Finish the following dialogue: Fatma and Hind meet after a holiday. (3 marks)
    Fatma: It was a fantastic holiday
    Hind : I visited my grandfather on the farm
    Fatma: Which vegetables are grown there?
    Hind :..............(2).............................
    Fatma: Could you invite me next time?
    Hind :.................(3)...........................
    3- Read and match : (2.5 marks)
    1-Buying a car is a. a cake.
    2-Losing your mobile phone is b. good news.
    3-I've revised well c. water heater.
    4-Enas has just bought two. d. bad news .
    5-Manal has been busy making e. blouses.
    f. for the exam
    4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
    (7.5 marks)
    One of the most important projects in Egypt is building the two metro lines from EL Marg to Helwan and from Shobra to Giza. They are really safe, cheap and fast.
    Muneer was looking forward to his first journey on the Cairo metro last week. Muneer lives in Tanta and he heard a lot about the metro from his friends who went to Cairo and used it. However, Muneer never listened to anyone's advice. He entered the station shortly after three o'clock in the afternoon. It is a bad time to use the metro because lots of people go home from work then. He waited in a long queue to get the ticket he wanted. Muneer could not get on the three thirty metro and he was pushed into a later one. He was surprised to find himself in the wrong station. He was very angry when he discovered that he had taken the wrong metro.
    a) Answer the following questions :
    1- How did Muneer hear about the Cairo Metro?
    2- When do most people go home from work in Cairo?
    3- Why are the two metro lines in Cairo important?
    b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
    4- The underlined word "queue" means .................
    a- square b- station c- line d- building
    5- Muneer took the wrong metro because the station was so....
    a- crowded b- empty c- clean d- wrong
    6- Muneer lives in .....................
    a- Cairo b- Helwan c- Shoubra d- Tanta
    5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d : (4 m)
    1- You can go to a ...................school to team to drive.
    a- language b- driving c- primary d- secondary
    2- I have three reasons ..................starting a website.
    a- for b- from c- of d- to
    3- Using the internet is my .......................hobby.
    a- useless b- bad c- strange d- favourite
    4- How long have you ...................this villa?
    a- been building b- been built c- built d- be building

    6- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning : (4 marks)
    1- Khalid could carry the bag although it was heavy. (despite)
    2- I couldn't hear the teacher although he was speaking loudly.
    3- When did you start to open this supermarket? (How long)
    4- Reda bought this dress a moment ago. (just)
    7- Read and correct the underlined words: (4 marks)
    1- I've been reading a story since half an hour.
    2- Congratulations in passing your exams
    3- Although my work being important, I am happy to retire.
    4- The metro is safe and expensive.
    8-Write a paragraph of five sentences on:
    "My favourite game "
    1. What is your favourite game? 2. How often do you play it?
    3. Where do you usually play it? 4. Who do you play it with?
    5. Why is it important for us to play games?

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 19, 2024 8:13 pm